Musings for the soul.
A collection of think pieces, recipes, poetry, pauses and interviews that aid the modern woman to create a little space in their lives for relaxation.
Indulge in the fine art of sitting down, taking a moment and slowly enjoying some words…
Four Walls
Closed in. Head down. We are often walking through our daily lives in our own little worlds, often without much awareness of the world beyond us.
Do you arrive like a whirlwind?
When your waking day begins in a personal whirlwind and you are about to land like a tornado at your desk.
You have full permission to take a moment.
Calming the Nervous System
Massage is often known for its relaxing properties, for calming us down and soothing our nervous system. But how does this actually happen?
Allow the wonders of your year to slowly evolve
There is a natural tendency towards a great sense of pressure right now, a pressure to dive straight into a New Year. However, there can be a big mismatch between these big ideas and visions and how we are actually feeling…
Your Presence is Your Present
With all this going on, this season can leave us almost entirely distracted from the present moment and can create a surge of stress. Within all this, a little care for your inner self would go a long, long way.
A Festive Pause
Sometimes, this time of year can lead us all into a bit of a whirlwind. Trying to achieve an almost impossible list of things to do…
And so it begins…
And so it begins…Hello. Welcome to A Little Space. A place for restorative massage and true relaxation and a place where I hope I can help you create a little more space in your everyday worlds.